Synopsis: The objective was to create a concept for a business or organization that aligns with a meaningful cause. For this project, I developed the concept of the Wholistic Mythology Center, a traveling organization dedicated to fostering connection, understanding, and wellness through workshops exploring comparative mythology, therapeutic play, and International community building.

Challenge: To design a concept and brand identity that embodied the values of active collaboration, sustainability, and socially conscious design decisions. This involved defining the mission, strategy, marketing and brand system for the hypothetical Wholistic Mythology Center as well as outlining project deliverables in a creative brief.

Approach: To address this challenge, I began by conducting psychological research on mental health across the globe. This led to further inquiry on how comparative mythology and therapeutic play can connect and heal people from diverse cultural backgrounds. My research informed the development of a detailed creative brief that outlined the vision, goals, and target audience for the Wholistic Mythology Center. Visual moodboards were used to explore design directions, colors, typography, and imagery that resonate with the universal themes found in mythological narratives.

Solution: The solution involved developing a comprehensive brand identity for the Wholistic Mythology Center, including a logo, visual assets, and marketing materials. The design choices were guided by psychological studies on symbolism and color psychology, ensuring alignment with the target audience's preferences and values. The final presentation showcased the concept and campaign for the Wholistic Mythology Center, demonstrating how it addresses the objectives of promoting connection, understanding, and personal growth through mythological exploration and International community engagement.


Sapiens: Typography & Campaign


Santa Fe Transit : UXUI/Brand