Synopsis: Typeface / Font Design: “HomoSapien” 💻
Mainstream design often labels typography as “Masculine” or “Feminine,” so I created this font (of a soon-to-be full Typeface system) and campaign concept design to challenge that. Drawing from queer design history, typography, and pre-colonial writing systems, I aimed for something “Androgynous,” “Hybrid,” or “Unisex.” The result is a trippy, Sci-Fi-inspired font that blends ancient and futuristic elements, accessible to people of any background.
"Homosapien" here plays on the idea that queer people are sometimes deemed "less human." As an Androgynous, Black, Queer designer, this idea holds more than a double meaning. Utilizing #AI and my self-portrait as source material, I crafted diverse couples in age, race and ethnicity, showcasing how diverse and beautiful humanity is—including allies!
We are all : H O M O S A P I E N (S)
Did you enjoy the Typography Campaign video above? Check out the LOVE is LOVE Video (extension of this project)!