Synopsis: Rebranding & establishing a new public transit system for a municipality, I aimed to rebuild trust in public transportation. The challenge was to develop a visual identity that ensures a clear and comfortable journey for commuters. Through thorough research and concept exploration, I created "The Santa Fe SageWay," a transit brand centered around sustainability and the resilience of desert plants like sage for the downtown art district of Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Challenge: To develop a visual language that not only reflects the unique qualities of the chosen city but also inspires confidence and reassurance in transit riders. This required careful consideration of the city's topography, geography, climate, demographics, existing infrastructure & public transportation perceptions. Additionally, the design needed to resonate with commuters across various touchpoints and convey the transit system's values and voice effectively.

Approach: My approach commenced with an in-depth audit of cities in need of improved public transportation, followed by an assessment of opportunities and limitations based on specific criteria. From there, I conceptualized "The Santa Fe SageWay," honoring indigenous history and resilient desert flora like sage. Infused with a double entendre of the "way of the sage," it fosters a conscious journey inward, inspiring positive outward journeys for riders and the creative community alike. The Sage Way is intended as an "Art Loop" to support residents and tourists of the downtown area. This brand embodies a commitment to mindful sustainability and environmental stewardship, reflected in its logo, color palette, typography, and tagline. The design language was carefully crafted to evoke the natural beauty of the region while promoting a culture of environmental consciousness.

Solution: Through meticulous design exploration and refinement, I created a comprehensive graphic standards manual that outlined all aspects of The Santa Fe SageWay brand identity. This included the logo, color palette, typography, collateral designs, wayfinding and signage, and a public service campaign to introduce the transit system. The visual elements were applied across various touchpoints, including brochures, posters, bus passes, kiosk screens, and employee badges, showcasing the brand's cohesive and impactful presence.


Wholistic Mythology : UXUI/Brand


XR Throne : Experience Design